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Soothes Dry Skin
Laura J
5 out of 5 stars
Simple and Effective
Rebecca S
5 out of 5 stars
A Daily Staple"
Emma B
Why Waterless?
All thriller, no filler.
Waterless products are highly concentrated, so a little goes a long way. Simply warm a small amount between your fingers to melt them slightly for smoother application. Apply a small amount to clean, damp skin for optimal absorption.
Most beauty products are over 80% water.
Water that’s packaged, shipped, and wasted. Each year, billions of gallons of fresh water go into products that often end up half-used in landfills. We’re changing that. Nure Beauty makes waterless formulas so every drop counts.
Naturally long lasting.
Water in skincare creates an environment where bacteria and mold can grow, which is why water-based products require preservatives. Waterless formulations are less prone to microbial growth, allowing for fewer or no synthetic preservatives.